Kids Poems

My teacher thinks I’m listening…

My teacher thinks I’m listening But I’m dreaming of the sun burning my back, And the moon freezing my front while I walk in the middle of time. She thinks I’m listening, But I’m dreaming of the end of the Universe, Collapsing on me making me the Universe. My teacher thinks I’m listening, But I’m […]

Fantasy Stories Kids Wealth And Wellness

My Daily Life

About The Importance of Daily Routine and Tidiness Hello guys back to my mini-blog! I’ll be telling you about my daily life! Daily Routine and Tidiness I wake up at midnight, obviously. After I wake up, I go and jump into a pool that hasn’t been cleaned for a few years. The pool is very dirty […]

Fantasy Stories Kids

My Favorite Food

My favorite food is 100% potato french fries and a totally nutritious, 50% cow steak, 50% wheat, burger. I sometimes eat anti-sugar sweets, and very rarely. For breakfast, I usually eat a whole, 100% wheat cereal box soaked in an anti-harmful, extra efficient, energy drink. For lunch, I mostly eat half of an extra large, […]